Real Estate Myths
Updated December 16, 2024. There are a lot of myths in real estate investing. One of these myths is the most successful real estate professionals have perfect timing. However, if you think of this, it is absolutely not true. This would mean that these “professionals” buy when the economy is down and sell when the economy hits the absolute peak. Well this my happen sometimes, but the vast majority of the most successful real estate professionals apply specific strategies that always work. Here are three real estate investing strategies that work every time.
Three Strategies That Work
These three real estate strategies are: residential rentals; wholesaling; and fix and flip. These three strategies are among the most popular real estate strategies that produce consistent results regardless of the timing. Think about this for a moment, when you are doing your best financially it is usually in a good economy. Why? The prices of real estate are going up. For example, right now in January 2020 the prices of real estate are trending higher.
The Secret For Real Estate Guru’s Timing
The question is: how can you time it so that you can buy when the prices are low and sell when the prices are high? Well…
You can’t do it. It doesn’t make any sense unfortunately. You cannot take advantage of something like that. Clearly, you are not in that type of situation. If you think about it, it is really impossible to predict the future six months or a year from now.
The Future Is Not As Certain As The Past
Everyone knows the past. But how about this: right now are we in a real estate bubble? Some will say yes and others will say no. The point is no one has a crystal ball and can predict the future. No one really knows until we can look back six months or a year from now and can see what really happened.
What makes these strategies so important is that regardless if you have enough money in your pocket, and regardless if you can time the market, you can do these three strategies to increase your wealth.
Gain More Wisdom As Time Passes
As you get older you get smarter. You gain wisdom, knowledge and understanding. So with each year you are better and have more tools to be a real estate investor. Therefore, with each potential year you can apply the wisdom you have gained so you can apply it quickly to each house or apartment.
These three strategies will transform the way you look at real estate investing in the future. That way you can apply them at any moment in time. Then with more experience you will get better and better at them over time and become successful.
Here Are The Three Real Estate Strategies
Let’s get back to the three real estate strategies. This is my blueprint of the three real estate investing strategies that work every time and in any market. So our strategy is a combination of residential rentals, wholesaling and then balance that with rehabs to resell.
Residential Rental
The first one is rentals. But more specifically we am talking about residential real estate where people live in the property. People always need a place to live in good times and bad times. Typically when the economy goes down more people will rent. Residential rentals will always work if the numbers work. In fact, buying rentals will increase a person’s wealth more than any other strategy out there. If you do this correctly, are you ready to be a millionaire??!!
Need For More Capital
But the problem with rentals is that you need money. You need money for the down payment, money to fix up the house in some cases, money in the form of something like a line of credit so that if a tenant doesn’t pay you have to pay the mortgage temporarily while you evict and the related legal fees.
This is where wholesaling comes into place. You put a property under contract directly from the seller. There are no agents listing the house on the MLS, these are off market deals. You go directly to the seller and made a deal.
Then you need to resell the property to a retail buyer or an investor. Basically you’re getting the property under contract at a wholesale or lower price and then you sell the property to another investor or at retail. Look to buy single family residences if possible. We recommend single family houses because they are the most plentiful. But depending on your market this could be apartments or condos. Here is the good news, in this real estate market right now, this strategy is working very well!
Right now, after 2018 and 2019, when a lot of people made money in the stock market, people are looking at real estate after the shakiness they saw in 2019 in the stock market. A lot of these people are in there 50’s or 60’s and are looking to invest their money wisely and some are looking to park their money in real estate.
When selling the wholesale properties, look for what are called sucker buyers. These are people that will offer you the most for the house that you have under contract. These people are willing to pay ever more for the house than you know it is worth.
If the dollar value from these buyer’s is the best price for the house, ask if they have all the documents to do a mortgage with a lender. Also, be sure to ask if they have approval for a mortgage. Obviously time is of the essence.
90% Of Investors Only Do 1 Deal
Have you heard that over 90% of real estate investors do one deal only? One deal! This means that only 10% are doing one deal after the other. The 90% may have lost money or not make much money. These 90% come in and buy one house. They go fix it up themselves. Then they realize it was a lot harder and a lot more work than they thought. Then guess what? They go and move on to something else in life.
So these 90% are always new people every time you wholesale a house. Can you believe it?! Remarkably this is very much the case. Therefore, take advantage of this never ending source of retail buyers!
Wholesaling Will Always Work
Wholesaling will always work because there will always be new people wanting to buy houses to fix them up. On top of this, houses are always deteriorating over time. For example: bad roofing, exteriors, the look of the houses is constantly changing, floor styles, paint colors, kitchens, bathrooms, etc.
Houses always need to be remodeled on a consistent basis. Always. If the houses are not constantly being maintained and improved, then the house becomes more difficult to sell and falls into the wholesaling category.
There are people that are looking to buy real estate thinking they are going to get rich quick. You absolutely cannot lose if you buy these wholesale houses at the right price. These three real estate investing strategies that work every time are a no-brainer, win-win-win situation!
Fix & Flip / Rehab And Resell
The third way to make money on houses is fix and flip or it is also called rehab and resell. This is where you buy the house, fix it back up and resell it. The reason why this always exists is again the fact that residential real estate is always deteriorating. Once you buy the house and get everything in your home, generally people are reluctant to fix everything.
For one thing, it is expensive, and it is a difficult task when you have all of your stuff in the house already. So the majority of people that buy homes normally don’t fix them up continuously to keep the market value increasing as the housing that are looking to be resold.
Look For Distressed Properties
There are always going to be deals in the real estate markets. One reason for these deals is that something happened that is completely separate from the market. These are what we call personal issues. A perfect example of this is a grandparent passes away and deeds the property to a son or daughter.
In case the son or daughter is extremely happy, but a lot of the time the son or daughter is broke financially and doesn’t have the money to handle this house. Often the son or daughter just wants money and they want it right now.
To top it off, the person who owned the house originally hasn’t done repairs in a long time. The house is old and outdated. This is a personal issue that is always going to exist. There will always be people passing away. This creates a consistency that will always need to be filled.
You may have the question of “What if I am in a market that is no longer hot. When people are no longer selling their houses for top dollar. Properties are sitting on the market longer. How do I buy a property and make sure I can do the rehab and resell and still make a profit?”
First of all, it is very important that you move quickly. You have to have all of your contractors lined up and ready to go. If you are not in a position of rehabbing the property in one to two months and get the property back on the market, you want to consider wholesaling.
Put Houses Back On The Market Quickly
So be careful about sitting on a property. One thing is fixing the property as fast as possible. The other factor is how fast you sell the property. You need to put the property on the market for as low of a price as possible. By doing this, you can generate instant offers. It has got to be fast. The rehab and resale of the property will always work consistently as long as you move fast.
If you need to get permits and other government documents you better consider your options. Sometimes the government is going to take months to approve things. That will slow down progress substantially. If you work on a property for six months, let me ask you a question. Do you know what is going to happen six months down the road? The answer is no. I have no idea what the economy is going to be like six months in the future.
Sometimes you can get fortunate when the market continues to go up. You can make a lot of mistakes in the last few years and still come out nicely when the market continues to go up and you have been able to fix your own problems. But now certain market in the upper price points things are not like that anymore. Builders have built enough inventory. An example is the coastal markets in the United States, especially in the west coast where prices have leveled off when you get up above the prices for affordable houses. You tend to see a lot more inventory in the luxury house markets, so be careful.
Do All Three Strategies To Create Wealth
There are a lot of myths in real estate investing. However, the vast majority of the most successful real estate professionals apply specific strategies that always work. We hope you liked my blueprint of the three real estate investing strategies that work every time.
What is nice about wholesaling is that you have a lot less risk. The problem with wholesaling is that you don’t make as much money. You will make a fraction of the price that someone is going to pay in the end to own the house. When you buy a property wholesale, then rehab and resell the property you are selling to a retail buyer. Retail buyers pay the most money. So you can make more profit.
But wholesaling has less risk. So a strategy that works very well is a combination of wholesaling and then balance that with rehab to resell. This way you are always flipping properties. With this strategy you can build up enough cash and capital so that you can start buying some residential rental properties. The residential rentals can then create long-term wealth.
What popular articles and blogs do you recommend?
Further Reading on FinancialGoodness.com: For more articles and blogs on real estate investing, check out our guides to Boost Your Rental Property Cash Flows and the Best Real Estate Strategies To Make 7 Figures. These strategies will help you build wealth as a real estate entrepreneur.
If you are interested in Becoming A High Net Worth Individual, please read my blog and watch the YouTube video by a fancinating guy named Andrew Hendersen, founder of Nomad Capitalist. He believes that the world has changed forever and says it’s time for you to “go where you’re treated best.”
These three real estate investing strategies that work every time are the keys that have made real estate investors very wealthy. They are the win-win-win strategy to real estate wealth. I have made very nice profits with these property strategies and I am sure you can too. Until next time, best wishes!
Last Updated on December 16, 2024 by Financial Goodness

Financial Goodness
George Alexander Roy III and our team are experts in helping you to seek wealth through investing and tips on how to succeed. Join us at FinancialGoodness.com to increase your knowledge and skills through education in the areas of personal finance; real estate; investments; digital marketing; comparison of the best states to form LLC’s and comporations; and the best AI app for increasing your fluency in English.
George has been an owner of a residential real estate investment business that focuses on wholesaling, fix & flip, and long-term buy-and-hold property strategies with a consistent increase of annual revenues. Undoubtedly, the tax laws in the United States and Colombia, South America offer some very favorable tax incentives for owning real estate.
Consequently, as an entrepreneur, researcher, writer, and speaker I have sought the truth in everything I do, no matter how difficult. Hopefully this value and service will help each person achieve their financial freedom sooner.